Weight Loss Assistance
Maintaining a healthy weight is crucial to preventing many common chronic illnesses such as hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease. The providers at premier healthcare are committed to helping you achieve and maintain healthy eating and exercise habits in order to stay as healthy as possible. We will discuss your weight and health goals and provide advice/education about many different kinds of diets and exercise regimens that can help you reach those goals. Your provider will develop a customized plan for weight loss and nutrition based on your specific needs.
Weight Loss Q & A
What is considered overweight?
A Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 and higher is considered overweight and BMI of over 30 is considered obese. Our clinic staff can quickly and easily calculate your BMI during your appointment.
What are the health risks of being overweight?
Obesity is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease and diabetes and can also increase your risk for cancer, osteoarthritis, liver and kidney disease, sleep apnea, depression, and many other chronic conditions.
What weight loss options are available at Premier Healthcare?
Lifestyle changes
A healthy lifestyle can reduce your risk of obesity and the chronic conditions associated with being overweight. The providers at Premier Healthcare are knowledgeable about many diet and exercise regimens that can help you on your road to health, they will discuss these options with you and together, you can make a customized plan to meet your goals.
Oral medications or dietary supplements can also help reduce weight and lower your risk of the diseases associated with obesity. Our providers can recommend medications that can aid you on your weight loss journey, however, our goal is to eventually manage your health through lifestyle and diet changes alone. Frequently, healthy diet and lifestyle changes may enable you to lower the doses of your medications, or even complete elimination them.
Specialist referrals
If you have complex medical problems related to obesity or the common chronic conditions it causes, we may refer you to a qualified specialist in the area.
Don’t let your weight control your life and the way you want to live. Schedule an appointment by phone or online today.